Sunday, March 22, 2015

Believe in Middle men?

"Middle men" is what they are known as. Saints or Sadhus - call them what ever, but I do not believe in them. That's because I'm spiritual, and not religious. Even if you are religious, why do you need middlemen? Some of them preach well. And, I respect them, for their preachings. But what I fail to understand is why do you have to PRAY to them or seek their blessings? What's the differentiating factor between you and the middlemen? Is it that god listens to them more than he listens to you? Or, is it that the middleman's prayers for you are answered immediately? What's the connection like? One to one? Oh! It has to be a one to many relationship in some religions. :) 

Let me talk of an episode where I started disliking middlemen (henceforth, I'll refer to them as MM). A MM needs to have some boundaries. I vividly remember one episode where I was asked to come to a room to sort out stamps of a certain MM. I might have been 17 - 18 years of age at that time. And, I had no voice of my own. I felt uncomfortable. But I sorted the stamps fearing that he might end up doing the not-so-doable, and then I scooted from there. Never looked at his face again. I saw the same MM pinching a girl. These are situations that anyone can be in, but I didn't have the courage to tell him that as a swamiji he's losing even the respect he has made for himself in the society. 

These are small incidents that shaped my life of disliking MM. Even if you are religious, why don't you have a one to one relationship with GOD. Why take to the MM? Take it up directly with GOD. I believe, if you do good deeds, only good will come to you. I believe firmly that instead of doing pujas in a temple, feeding the poor earns you more respect as a member of the society. These are my beliefs. And they'll stay. But, if you are a god believer, then please do not entertain the so-called middlemen. They'll preach, pray for you and leave. Finally it's "jaisi karini waisi bharani" -> "What you sow, so you reap".