Monday, March 31, 2008

Ode to the past...

Dedicated to a changing phase of life.. A change that'll keep many things unchanged within.....

I sat, watched tv, and quietly forgot,
I ate, and quietly walked off,
I read the paper, and quietly sat down,
I did all I would normally when in town,
Difference : Something was wrong.

I laughed, and jumped and played,
I fought and made up, all in a game,
I cheated, and confessed,
I listened, and I professed,
Today, I remember these, I feel depressed.

The chitter-chatter in the last bench,
The run to the filter to thirst quench,
The Saturday lunches and rain drenches,
The Section-A-B fights, and HOD's speeches,
These are memories, I'll cherish ever.

The excitement of first time earning,
The joy of pop-corns, and bad movie groaning,
The desperate gang meetings, and despair at low turning,
The joy of the first hike, and birthday treating,
For the last time, let me embrace,
For the last time, let me tell, in grace,
For the last time, let me have a ball.....
I'll miss you all....


Unknown said...

Hey nice one !! The Golden days of college..however much we cribbed about it..i bet all of us will any day prefer rewinding our life to those days..he he

Shweta A P said...

Hey .. real nice... that was a whole lot of "chitter-chatter" we did :) ... damn i miss it now!!

Ranjan said...

hmmm ....senti !!

Unknown said...

Looks like u are pretty much inspired by John Keats lately. Nicely written. I am hopping to see an ode to school days soon. :)